The team

Who are the team and what do they bring?

  • Alyson Hallett is a poet who has been working with stones and the migration habits of stones for more than two decades. Her current work involves developing experiments and workshops that involve listening to stones, bringing increased awareness to the land. Alyson’s work included making journeys around the world with stones, using practice as research as evidenced in her PhD in Geographical Intimacy. Alyson’s Website.
  • Claudia Hildebrandt (Earth Sciences, University of Bristol) has over 15 years’ experience of working with geological and natural history collections. She is a collection manager and curator with an interest in decoloniality, co-created collection knowledge and the meaning of rocks and stones across different cultures and times as a petrified symbol of our earthy origins.
  • Edie Woolf is an illustrator and creative with a practice that captures complex conversations and research questions in easily accessible artworks. Edie’s Website.
  • Ery Hughes (GNS Aotearoa New Zealand) is a volcanologist and worked on the samples that form part of this project. Ery has a keen interest in working closer with Māori communities.
  • Fiona Jordan (Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Bristol) is a linguistic anthropologist who wants to understand cultural diversity. Fiona is particularly interested in kinship and language, and her primary region of interest is the Austronesian-speaking world.
  • Geoff Kilgour (GNS Aotearoa New Zealand) has years of experience for liaising and working with Māori communities around land access and samples.
  • Lucy Donkin (History of Art, University of Bristol) is a researcher who explores the materiality and portability of place as this was exemplified by the symbolic movement of soil.
  • Alice Clough (Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Bristol) is a PhD student and artist who explores cultural storytelling, research ethics, and posthumanism. Alice is the Research Assistant for the project.