The Earth Science Collection is open to students, academics and the public.
Opening hours
Appointment only: Tuesday – Thursday 9am – 5pm. Please contact our Collection Manager in advance Address information here.
We encourage visits for research, educational and creative purposes. We recommend that you give us plenty of notice about your visit to ensure that all required material is available and accessible. Group visits to our Collection Study Space are limited to a maximum of 15 people and require booking in advance.
Public Open Access
Wills Memorial Tour Tours
The tower tours allow the public to see behind the grand facade of the Wills Memorial Building, home to the School of Earth Sciences. Wills Memorial Tower Tours.
The EarthArt Gallery is open to the public on Wednesday afternoons 2-5pm and showcases exhibitions co-created between a local artist and academics from the School of Earth Sciences and other University of Bristol departments. Find out more here.